What we do
The following are our educational objectives:
- To sensitize parents, guardians and communities to take responsibility of their children educational goals and challenges of children and young people.
- To mobilize communities to demand quality education, conducive and a fun environment for learning for children starting from kindergarten level.
- To promote skill building and the use of information technology to match global trends and standards in educational and skills development.
- Liaise with stakeholders in the education sector (private, public institutions, communities, parents and guardians and students) to identify gaps and how to address these issues.
- To reduce poverty though skills acquisition and sustainable development in order to secure an efficient and prosperous workforce.
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secondary level that culminates into a “bastardised” tertiary level – Anonymous
ANCCD also works with communities to mitigate common disadvantages like poverty, location and other socio-economic factors that block access to sound foundational and functional education.
Furthermore, we will advocate for improved capacity of service for providers of educational services in the areas of curriculum development, child-friendly and rights-based approaches to education.
We will build on learning achievements and quality standards for education managers and ministry staff at both state and federal levels.
Further still, we will advocate and promote children’s participation; enabling children, young adults, and their communities to participate in school governance and education management in inclusive and democratic spaces holding duty-bearers accountable at all levels.
We will also strengthen school health and water/sanitation facilities, mobilize local resources and promote health/hygiene attitude and behavioral change. At the same time, we will advocate for theadoption of our “model of action” using “pilot” schools as areference.
In the long term, ANCCD will work toimprove the quality of teaching and learning through progressive research to support the development of government and donor policy in response to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, those focusing on education quality, access and equity.
ANCCD works with relevant stakeholders in adopting education best practices that function within the socio-economic climate of Nigeria and other peculiarities in Africa and other developing countries.