Maternal and Child Health Project

In 2015, AICD distributed free delivery kits to Traditional Birth Attendants in Goya Village, Funtua LGA. The distribution was done at the community’s Primary Health Care Centre (PHC). Maternal Mortality is one of the major health problems bedeviling Africa. Nigeria, because of its population density and poor health infrastructure, contributes substantially to the maternal and child mortality burden in Africa and the entire world.

AICD believes that if the delivery of health services is strengthened at the PHC level, the number of maternal, neonatal and child mortality will be reduced in Nigeria.


Malaria Prevention Programme

Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) Campaign

In 2017, AICD partnered Society for family Health, SFH through the Civil Society Coalition on Malaria Prevention, Immunization and Nutrition, (ACOMIN) to carry out net replacement campaign in Katsina LGA. AICD’s role in the campaign which held in all 34 LGAs of the state, was community mobilization and sensitization on the procedures for accessing the nets, how to use them and the importance of using them. We also conducted a community survey on frequency of usage, access and distribution ratio and community perception. Results of these findings have been shared with SFH.

In line with the WHO guidelines, AICD believes that the most effective and sustainable way of the preventing malaria is the correct and consistent use of LLINS.  AIDC helped SFH achieve a 99.8 coverage in Katsina LGA during the campaign.

Monitoring of Interpersonal Communication Agents (IPCAs)

AICD is currently collaborating with SFH to monitor IPCAs in Katsina and Kaita LGAs of Katsina State. Interpersonal Communication is a newly adopted Behavioral Change Communication model by SFH and its partners to pass across strategic malaria prevention and treatment messages to communities. Most at risk populations e.g. children under 5 years, pregnant women and PLWHAs are prioritized in this project. AICD is one of the Community Based Organizations contracted to monitor IPCAs in Katsina and Kaita LGAs.

Malaria Advocacy and Accountability Project

Under the auspices of Civil Society Coalition on Malaria Control Immunization and Nutrition, ACOMIN, AICD is currently implementing a project on community advocacy and accountability on malaria. The project entails mobilizing the communities to ensure proper utilization of all goods and services provided by government and other stakeholders to fight malaria. Information on service delivery and commodity utilization is obtained  through Client Exit Interview (CEI), Key Informant Interview (KII), and focused group discussions. vital information obtained using these tools are interpreted and communicated to relevant health authorities and policy makers at LGA and State levels for information, action and planning. So far AICD has conducted over 400 CEI and KII and conducted over 500 focus group discussions in Katsina LGA since inception of the project.

International Day Celebrations

World AIDS Day

International Human Rights Day

International Education Day 


AICD has reached out to about 1000 thousand young Nigerians within the two years of establishing the Life Skill Programme (in-school and out of school student) in Katsina state through school outreach and community outreach. In collaboration with SOHO Foundation, we reached and worked with about 500 young aspiring entrepreneurs with basic life and leadership skills. We on to train about 150 in entrepreneurial and business startup skills utilizing the ingenious and Novel micro-MBA model. 

The major objectives for establishing AICD’s Life Skills centre include to:

  • Train young people and youths on critical thinking, mental toughness, communication and leadership abilities.
  • Equip and train citizens who will make informed career decisions and derive great value in their career choices
  • Develop self-confidence and how to deal appropriately with life changes.
  • Awaken the consciousness of the Nigeria youth by enlightening them on their rights and responsibilities
  • Produce trainers who will be dynamic in decision making, independent consultants, coaches, mentors and employers of labor

Life Skills Centre

Changing Lives & Empowering Communities